Milorganite Blog: Green and Growing.

Learn how to sustainably manage and recycle plastic in your landscape with Joe Lamp'l.
Routine maintenance will help keep your rain garden looking its best, while helping reduce flooding and pollution of our waterways.
Never do these 5 things and you will have a more beautiful and healthier landscape.
Clover, once common in lawns, is now considered a weed. To get rid of clover improve soil fertility, cut grass to its optimal length, overseed and spot treat.
Here are several things to NOT do to keep your lawn healthy this summer: mow with dull blades, in excessive heat or too short, or treat unknown issues incorrectly.
You can’t control the weather, but you can control the way you water. Here are a few watering tips to guide you to better results in your lawn and garden.
Follow these steps from Allyn Hane “The Lawn Care Nut” for how to mow stripes and patterns into your lawn.
I started my first lawn from seed in 2017, under the worst conditions possible, on our new property. In 2018 my new lawn survived extreme weather conditions, weeds,…
No matter where you live, being a waterwise gardener makes environmental and economic sense. And it’s really easier than you think. Here are just a few of the easy…